Substation Construction

Substation construction is our core service. It’s the backbone of the company. From foundations to high towers, you can depend on us. We service all utility voltages (4–500 kV) and also coordinate with outage plans. We’ll get the job done on time and within budget.

Efficient Coordination

When you’re commissioning new equipment, get peace of mind with us during critical outages. We are known to execute the project within the scheduled timeframe, saving you unnecessary hassle and expense. Our smooth coordination of installation, testing, and commissioning ensures on-time success.

Strategic Planning

We pride ourselves in our ability to proactively assess a project from the beginning. You can trust us to diligently inspect prints and material lists ahead of time. Leave it to us to determine any changes in the field—before they become problems.

Flexible Project Scope

Whether your project is small or large, we cover the spectrum in substation construction.


  • Foundations
  • Control Enclosures
  • Switchgears
  • Transformers
  • Circuit Breakers
  • Bus and Conductor
  • Steel Structures
  • Ground Grid
  • Pre-cast Cable Trench
  • Duct Banks