National Electrical Safety Month

National Electrical Safety Month

Every day, safety is a top priority for electric utilities around the country. During the month of May in particular, our industry highlights the importance of safety precautions.

Creating Buzz About Electrical Safety

Utilities are using social media and community events to increase awareness about electrical safety. They educate customers about driving safely in work zones to protect linemen, not overloading outlets, and avoiding power lines. Children are also learning safety tips when linemen visit their schools to talk with them.

Electrical Safety During National Disasters

This campaign is led by the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI). The nonprofit organization is dedicated to promoting electrical safety in homes, schools, and offices. The 2019 theme is “Electrical Safety During National Disasters.” It’s an opportunity to focus on how to prepare for and rebuild after natural disasters.

ESFI provides important safety reminders such as:

  • Before the storm hits, make sure to charge all phones and other communication devices. Then, unplug all electronics, and move them as high as possible to avoid water damage from flooding.
  • Turn off the main power breaker feeding the home to prevent any surges to the wiring and equipment.
  • After the storm blows through, avoid flooded areas, as they may be electrified.
  • Do not use any electrical equipment or electronics if they’ve been submerged.
  • If you encounter a fallen power line outside, stay at least 35 feet away.

Delta Holds A+ Rating in Safety

At Delta Utility Services, our experienced crews not only provide superior workmanship, but also succeed in maintaining an impeccable safety record. We proudly hold an “A+” rating with ISNetworld.