Category Archives: Smart Grid

$47 Million Funds Innovative Technology for Energy-Efficient Buildings

Delta Energy Optimized Buildings

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced funding opportunity of up to US$47 million for the development of innovative technologies that will improve energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings.

Energy Optimization for Buildings

Buildings have traditionally been passive consumers of energy. In the United States, buildings account for approximately 40% of the total energy demand and 75% of all electricity use. Now that electrical grids are facing more challenges due to increasing peak electricity demands and infrastructure limitations, it’s essential to create flexible technologies for buildings.

2019 DOE Funding Opportunity

The goal of the DOE’s funding opportunity is to increase energy productivity by supporting flexible and energy-efficient technologies for buildings. The technologies are focused on the following areas:

  1. Flexible Buildings Technologies
  2. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Technologies
  3. Solid-state Lighting Technologies

A Resilient, Reliable Grid

From a national level to a regional level, Delta is proud to support innovative technology developments that improve energy affordability and optimize energy supply for building occupants.

Benefits of Digital Substations

Delta Utility Digital Substation

Digital substations are an example of smart grid technologies that give utilities greater flexibility and adaptability.

Consider some of the benefits of building a new digital substation or upgrading an existing substation.

  • Increased capacity and operation efficiency
  • Improved resiliency and safety
  • Expedited design modifications to accommodate new resources
  • Enhanced cybersecurity

Additionally, digital substations have reduced material and installation costs. They also leave a smaller environmental footprint.

Substation Expertise

Delta specializes in turnkey substation construction and smart grid technologies. We pride ourselves in our ability to strategically plan and execute a project successfully on time and within budget. By commissioning digital substations, we help our customers reap the benefits of modernized grid technology.

Maryland Ranks Third in Nation for Grid Modernization

Delta Utility Maryland Smart Grid

Exelon’s smart grid initiatives have helped propel Maryland into the top three of the 2018 Grid Modernization Index (GMI). The GMI evaluates and ranks states based on their progress in modernizing their electric systems with smart grid technologies.

Maryland is served by three Exelon utilities: BGE, Delmarva Power, and Pepco. These utilities have greatly led to the state’s recognition for grid modernization. Efforts in Maryland include:

  • strong smart meter deployment
  • high level of customer engagement through energy efficiency and demand response programs
  • continued investments in the local energy grid to enhance resiliency and reliability
  • ongoing efforts to plan for the future energy grid, including electric vehicles, battery storage and distributed generation

Smart Grids in Maryland

Delta is proud to work closely with BGE in Maryland to modernize our state’s electric systems with smart grids. Our work provides customers with greater value by increasing their control over energy use and enhancing energy reliability. Contact us to learn more about our smart grid services in Maryland.

Global Smart Gird Market to Reach $86.6 Billion by 2024

Delta Utility Smart Grid

North America is a global leader in implementing smart grids, thanks to our rapid adoption of advanced technologies and investments by regional governments.

According to a report published by Research Cosmos, the global smart grid market is poised to touch $86.6 billion by 2024. In 2015 the market was valued at $32.4 billion. During the forecast period of 2016 to 2024, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.15%.

Delta Utility Smart Grid Global Market graph

Smart Grid Installation

Delta is one of the leading utility service providers that installs smart grids. We are proud to be in an industry that is projected to have such enormous growth. We are committed to staying on the cutting edge of the latest technologies and providing people with energy as efficiently as possible. Contact us for more information about our services in the smart grid market.

Upgrading to Smart Grid Technology

Delta Utility Smart Grid

These days, American cities, companies, and residents are embracing renewable energy options. More rooftops are adorned with solar panels. More landscapes are dotted with windmills.

However, in order to fully integrate these renewable energy resources, the power grid that supports them needs to be upgraded.

Conventional grids were designed to deliver electricity one way—from the power plant to the consumer. They weren’t planned to accommodate small generators such as rooftop solar panels. Our nation’s grids need to be upgraded with a smarter operating system that efficiently manages these renewable energy resources.

Smart Grids

What are some key characteristics of a modern smart grid?

  • Distribution automation
  • A network that allows a two-way flow of electricity
  • AI that provides self-adjustment, contingency planning, and remote operation

Delta Delivers a Smarter Grid

Delta specializes in smart grid services. We install computer systems and sensors that deliver real-time data and use AI to make instant self-adjustments as needed. For example, if a tree were to fall down and take out a power line, the computer can switch instantly on its own to another power line. This provides uninterrupted electricity to the consumers and saves linemen from unnecessary labor.

The work we do with smart grids provides the infrastructure for electricity to be delivered as efficiently and consistently as possible. It is also vital to helping us leverage the full potential of renewable energy resources.