$47 Million Funds Innovative Technology for Energy-Efficient Buildings

Delta Energy Optimized Buildings

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced funding opportunity of up to US$47 million for the development of innovative technologies that will improve energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings.

Energy Optimization for Buildings

Buildings have traditionally been passive consumers of energy. In the United States, buildings account for approximately 40% of the total energy demand and 75% of all electricity use. Now that electrical grids are facing more challenges due to increasing peak electricity demands and infrastructure limitations, it’s essential to create flexible technologies for buildings.

2019 DOE Funding Opportunity

The goal of the DOE’s funding opportunity is to increase energy productivity by supporting flexible and energy-efficient technologies for buildings. The technologies are focused on the following areas:

  1. Flexible Buildings Technologies
  2. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Technologies
  3. Solid-state Lighting Technologies

A Resilient, Reliable Grid

From a national level to a regional level, Delta is proud to support innovative technology developments that improve energy affordability and optimize energy supply for building occupants.